Hell Is Where The Heart Is
Pioneer! The Company has given you a once in a lifetime opportunity. To stake your claim on a rugged new world. To bring order to the great black yonder. To make a home for you and your own. Begin anew! Step up to the slipgate and make destiny manifest! Onward Unto the Breach When slipgate technology was first discovered, and we happened upon the Hell Dimension, there were some who feared that this would open Earth up for demonic takeover. The discovery that Hell natives cannot go through a slipgate without being annihilated put these fears to rest. The additional discovery of Lapis Infernicus, the long sought answer to the ‘free energy’ question, sealed the deal. Your travails are the scaffolding that shore up our utopia. Now you know! Paradise Found You have a great task ahead of you, pioneer. You are the advance party of a mass colonizing movement still in its infancy. You have the sacred honor to be spearheading humankind’s hellward expansion. And thanks to the tireless work of our...