Running John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) on a medieval abbey

I'm running a The Thing scenario (I expect it to be fairly short, 2-3 sessions) set in a medieval abbey, using Ruination Pilgrimage. Lazy GM that I am, I figured out a way to do it with as little prep as possible. First:

Find your monastery

I searched the webs for a suitable floorplan for my abbey. I went with the one on this site, complete with legend and all. As per the movie, set it in an isolated location (made it a river tidal island during heavy rain season).

Make up a bunch of monks

Instead of fleshing out each individual NPC, I made a bunch of tables to generate them on the fly

1d20 NAMES
2 Merrick
3 Kasper
4 Girald
5 Bertran
6 Nadal
7 Bidallac
8 Johannes
9 Helias
10 Andreas
11 Jacobus
12 Guido
13 Matheus
14 Alonso
15 Bernal
16 Amis
17 Enguerran
18 Giles
19 Guiscard
20 Agnolo

1 Butcher
2 Scribe
3 Scribe
4 Abbot
5 Prior
6 Cellarer
7 Cook
8 Brewer
9 Herbalist
10 Novice
11 Novice
12 Novice
13 Novice
14 Librarian
15 Physician
16 Blacksmith
17 Anchorite
18 Cook
19 Farmer/Beekeeper
20 Cantor

1d20+1d10 PECULIARITIES (roll once or twice)
2 Practices self-flagellation
3 Steals food from the kitchen at night
4 Lost his faith
5 Hates the prior
6 Has a heretical belief
7 Has blood in his hands from a past life
8 Has a physical deformity
9 Fluent in Greek
10 Secretly in love with a Novice
11 Took a vow of silence 
12 Amateur astronomer
13 Alcoholic
14 Is always cold
15 Claims to have mystical visions
16 Noble-born
17 Avoids working at all costs
18 Deathly allergic to bees
19 Convinced that the Devil is on the loose in the monastery
20 Blind
21 Has a pet rat named Urban
22 Illiterate
23 Former Inquisitor
24 Made a vow not to take baths
25 Terrified of fire
26 Has a prosthetic limb
27 Has scabies
28 Can't hide his hatred of nobility
29 Studied Mathematics in Spain
30 Laughs at inappropriate times

The Thing

Gotta have that big bad. I don't know how balanced the stats are (so far the party has survived their first big reveal without any PC deaths -- less luck for a couple of monks). Every once in a while, to move things along, I'm gonna secretly roll to see who's the next unlucky sod to be assimilated, including the PCs (if one of them becomes the Thing, their objectives change -- to assimilate further people and escape onto the world at large -- but they otherwise remain the same character). I have a couple of pre-rolled Cleric PCs to replace any PCs that die.

Combat 65%
Instinct 35%
Wounds 4(30) (When down to last wound, a part detaches and attempts escape)
Dmg 4d10 (Massive)
AP 2 (Fire DMG ignores)
The Thing assimilates a creature that it killed in 1D10 turns.

And yeah, that's it basically. It hasn't come into play yet, but I anticipate Ruination's Sorrow/Despair (equivalent to its foundation's, Motherhip, Stress/Panic) mechanics are gonna compound pretty bad, since they probably won't have a good way to rest to clear them. Hey, just like in The Thing!


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