D66 Chaotic Mishaps

  11. Someone, somewhere in the world spontaneously explodes. You may never know who, but you know it definitely happened and you'll carry that forever on your conscience.

 12. You grow hair in an unexpected place for a week. Teenagers will think that's the new it thing and may try to emulate it.

 13. The spell has the reverse effect of the intended. What that's like is up to the GM.

 14. You swap bodies with one of the other party members (GM's discretion) for 1d6 days. You both learn valuable lessons about yourselves and each other.

 15. You accidentally summon an angry ghost only you can see.

 16. Your voice suddenly becomes high-pitched like one of the Chipmunks.

 21. You summon a rubber tire from the stars. It falls to Earth towards you, disintegrating during atmospheric entry. It reaches you as a faint smell of burnt rubber.

 22. A shadow version of yourself crosses the threshold and enters the world, somewhere. They're exactly like you, except effortlessly cool.

 23. You blunder in an embarrassing manner. Somehow a video of it goes viral on the internet turning you into an overnight celebrity.

 24. For the next 30 minutes, everyone thinks your name is Edward.

 25. Everyone around you turns purple. Only you are unable to notice or acknowledge that.

 26. For the next hour, you can only speak gibberish.

 31. You die. You're dead now. That’s a thing that happens.

 32. For the next round you perceive every possible state of every single thing in your view. You cannot parse this information and are rendered inoperative.

 33. You have Tourette's for the rest of the day but only say nice things.

 34. London Bridge falls up.

 34. You can recite the entire Princess Bride movie by heart and will not shut up about it.

 35. You temporarily start seeing everyone in terms of a "character sheet" which describes their abilities and experiences in numerical form. This comes with the painful realization that all existence is an illusion and identity an absurd construct.

 36. Notorious method actor "Lared Jeto" starts following you around, studying you for his next role.

 41. You're suddenly swept off by a phoenix and taken to a world where everything turned out for the best. You experience unconditional love and acceptance, find peace and wisdom and true human connection. You are then suddenly swept back to your world, and find only a second has passed. You try to remember the better world you visited, but it becomes harder and harder, like remembering the laughter of a loved one who died long ago. Over time, you mostly forget. But in quiet moments, in moments of contemplation, you remember what you briefly experienced and have now lost forever, and the sense of loss is sharpened anew.

 42. A lottery-winning ticket appears in your pocket.

 43. You are put on a no-fly list for no reason.

 44. A butterfly flaps its wings in the other side of the globe and a gust of wind tears out your clothes

 45. For the next 30 minutes, player becomes the playee. Your in-game character is possessed by real-life you, briefly trapped in a fantasy world of your own design.

 46. You now understand fish. They're actually nice people.

 51. Until the next time you need to roll a Chaotic Mishap, your presence is always announced by a bitchin' Amiga theme.

 52. For the next two sessions, if you try to use the phone you'll enter a conversation with someone making a phone call in the 1930s.

 53. For the next week, anything in your favorite color becomes invisible to you.

 54. The last thing you ate comes back to life — with a vengeance!

 55. The contents of your pockets are replaced with those from some random other person, in a random other place, in a random other planet or reality

 56. The person closest to you floats like a balloon. They will keep going up for an hour or until restrained.

 61. You get real buff all of a sudden. It doesn't make you stronger or anything, but it'll impress other similarly buff people while leaving the rest of the world totally indifferent. Lasts for 1d6 hours.

 62. A giant version of you appears in a random place of the world, mirroring your every move for 2d6 minutes.

 63. You are shrunk down to 6 inches tall, unless you’re already 6 inches tall.

 64. Did you know that in an alternate reality the dominant intelligent species is essentially a humanoid leek? Well you do now, because you've just become one. You'll get better with some sleep.

65. You know the nuclear launch codes. Unfortunately, the President also knows you know.

66. You take not one, but two Chaotic Mishaps. Roll twice to find out which.


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